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UnMarshal UnMarshal

MARSH precio
0.289248 USD 26.87% 0.00000436 BTC

Indicadores financieros MARSH

  • Rango: 1454
  • Tapa del mercado: 2052530 $
  • Volumen de 24 horas: 4416210 $
  • Suministro total: 100000000
  • Suministro circulante: 7096100 (7%)

Que es UnMarshal?

# Introduction to Unmarshal

Unmarshal is a Multi-chain DeFi network of indexers that provides seamless access to Blockchain data for DeFi applications. We provide rich, meaningful, and reliable access to data through our decentralized network nodes.

We cater data in multiple formats like APIs, Websockets, GraphQL, Notifications any many more, without the need for application developers to decode it into their native applications.

We believe that dApp creators can harness Unmarshal’s network nodes to void the burden of reiterating the unstructured data into a usable format, at the same time allowing the creators to deliver an intuitive and superior experience to the users of their applications.

Gráfico del MARSH
Technical analysis
Bitcoin Bitcoin
66330.7000 -0.91%
Ethereum Ethereum
3075.34000 -1.35%
575.426000 -0.46%
Solana Solana
171.406000 -0.43%
0.50988700 -2.07%