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DXdao DXdao

DXD price
757.504 USD -1.2% 0.01128429 BTC

Financial indicators DXD

  • Rank: 614
  • Market Cap: 17778400 $
  • 24 Hour Volume: 284 $
  • Total Supply: 148977
  • Circulating Supply: 23470 (16%)

What is DXdao?

DXdao describes itself as a collective that builds and governs decentralized products and services.

Its current product suite features:

Omen, a prediction market.

Swapr(, a governance-enabled AMM.

Mesa, a front-running resistant DEX.

Rails, a Layer 2 payment portal.

DXdao uses a reputation-based governance system; meaning that voting power is non-transferrable and cannot be bought. DXD is an ERC20 token that powers the DXdao ecosystem and has a claim on a share of all revenue from DXdao products. DXdao is fully on-chain and minimizes its reliance on third-parties, controlling its products through ENS, and managing the treasury through binding, on-chain votes.

DXdao aims to bring decentralization to DeFi and build resilient financial services for the world.

Chart DXD
Technical analysis
Bitcoin Bitcoin
67129.1000 1.04%
Ethereum Ethereum
3131.87000 3.09%
580.177000 0.35%
Solana Solana
174.948000 3.76%
0.52457900 0.51%